7 Ways to Fast Sedation in the Spa Treatment RoomWritten by Bioelements TeamJun 1, 2018Read time 5 mincentralShareDiscover how to quickly reduce negative sensations and over-vascular activity in the spa treatment room.Build the LookBioelementsEmergency Soothing Powder 8 oz.7BioelementsEnzymeTherapy 8 oz.9BioelementsSoftening Gel34BioelementsImmediate Comfort 1% Hydrocortisone Lotion 3 oz.1Related ReadingView AllBioelementsGeneration Glow: The Millennial Skin Care ShiftBioelementsCOVID-19 Skin Care Retail StrategiesBioelementsHow-To: Cleansing MassageBioelementsTechnique How-To: Hot Neck RollBioelementsAromatherapy BreathingBioelementsHow-To: Calming FacialRelated tagsTreatmentFacial