With all of the changes and moving parts swirling around the government’s efforts to provide financial relief due to COVID-19, it’s easy to get overwhelmed or caught up in the confusion. Fortunately, the Professional Beauty Association (PBA) is offering up a webinar series called “Breaking Down The Economic Stimulus Package” every Tuesday at 11a.m. PDT. Featuring legal expert Dan Muller, Partner at Ventura Hersey & Muller specializing in labor litigation and employment matters, this digital series helps to explain new updates to keep you in-the-know as they come down the pike hard and fast.
In this episode, sponsored by SalonCentric, Muller talks about getting through the challenges presented by Paycheck Protection Program reaching its limit, what you need to do right now, how to work around finding a lender, and unemployment insurance updates. Plus, you’ll want to tune in for super relevant answers to your top-of-mind questions.
You can send along your questions to be answered during the Q&A portion of the broadcast to [email protected] ahead of time. This series is free for PBA Members with the code SAVE5, and a suggested donation for everyone else, which will go directly to the PBA COVID-19 Relief Fund which provides $500 to licensed beauty professionals who are unable to work due to this unprecedented crisis.
In this episode, sponsored by SalonCentric, Muller talks about getting through the challenges presented by Paycheck Protection Program reaching its limit, what you need to do right now, how to work around finding a lender, and unemployment insurance updates. Plus, you’ll want to tune in for super relevant answers to your top-of-mind questions.
You can send along your questions to be answered during the Q&A portion of the broadcast to [email protected] ahead of time. This series is free for PBA Members with the code SAVE5, and a suggested donation for everyone else, which will go directly to the PBA COVID-19 Relief Fund which provides $500 to licensed beauty professionals who are unable to work due to this unprecedented crisis.