Ever feel like you hit the ground running in the morning, but as fast as you sprint, you end the day feeling like you’ve accomplished just a fraction of what you needed to do? And the to-do list keeps growing. At home, at work, there simply isn’t enough time each day to get things done. While there’s no way to add more hours to your day, here are a few simple strategies for making the most of the time you do have.
Plan Ahead
List-making isn’t always a creative person’s favorite thing to do. But mapping out the tasks ahead of you, and then prioritizing them, is the single best way to help you stay focused and on track. And believe it—nothing is more satisfying than checking completed tasks off your to-do list.
Do Ahead
Efficiency is all about head starts. Try to avoid leaving too much until the last minute. You can review the week’s upcoming appointments and be sure you have all the supplies you will need on hand to service the clients on your books. Check for open time slots, and plan to use that time to clean your station or run an errand. Draft follow-up emails ahead of time and save them in your drafts folder until after each client’s appointment. All of those do-aheads will spare you precious minutes during a busy week.
Stay Well-Stocked
Running out of your staples—lightener, developer, haircolor foils at work—can turn into massive amounts of wasted time when you have to run to the store for a single, essential item. Try to consolidate your errands by keeping an eye on your supplies and making a note as soon as you start to run low. You can pick up the item on a weekly trip to the SalonCentric store or online.
Avoid the Social Media Grab
You have a ten-minute break, so you decide to check your Instagram feed. Forty-five minutes later, you’re still swiping. Social media is fun, creative, a great way to keep up with family and friends and essential for a successful business these days. But it’s also somewhat addictive and can pull you into another world that’s hard to leave. Try to limit your social media time each day by setting a schedule that works for you—an hour a day, three times a day, etc.
It’s hard to believe working out will impact your ability to get things done but consider this. If you can manage a quick run in the morning or a twice-weekly Soul Cycle class, you’ll find yourself with more energy to do the rest of the things you need to do. (Check out these salon pro fitness app favorites to help jump-start your fitness goals.) You’ll also build “accomplishment momentum.” That is, you’ve completed the hard stuff―the run, the class―so how hard can it be to check off more on your to-do list?
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5 Ways to Boost Efficiency When There Just Aren’t Enough Hours In The Day
Written by Modern Salon CustomJul 27, 2018
Read time 5 min